Todd Levin, photographed by Tess Mayer inside his Usonian home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, "The Stuart Richardson House" (1941) with Martín Ramírez, "Untitled (Horse and Rider)". All Artwork images © the Artist.
Curatorial Project 2 - "I.G.Y."
curated by Todd Levin
Marianne Boesky Gallery (Uptown)
22 May 2010 - 30 July 2010
Artwork by: Josef ALBERS, Pierre BONNARD, Alexander CALDER, Jay DEFEO, Robert FRANK, Wally HEDRICK, James JARVAISE, Jasper JOHNS, Fernand LÉGER, Alfred LESLIE, Richard LYTLE, Robert MALLARY, Louise NEVELSON, Jackson POLLOCK, Robert RAUSCHENBERG, Julius SCHMIDT, Kurt SCHWITTERS, Richard STANKIEWICZ, Frank STELLA, Jack YOUNGERMAN
Additional exhibition materials: Dave BRUBECK, Lenny BRUCE, William S. BURROUGHS, Miles DAVIS, Allen GINSBERG, John Howard GRIFFIN, Herman KAHN, Jack KEROUAC, Stanley KUBRICK, Norman MAILER, C. Wright MILLS, Philip ROTH, George RUSSELL, Mort SAHL, Frederick Jackson TURNER, William Appleman WILLIAMS
For more info, please go to:
ENTRY - Jay DEFEO “Untitled” 1957-1959
GALLERY ONE - Frank STELLA “Criss Cross” 1958
GALLERY ONE - installation view
GALLERY ONE left to right - Allen GINSBERG "HOWL And Other Poems" (first edition, 1956), Donald FAGEN "I.G.Y." lyric sheet, Robert FRANK, Jack KEROUAC "On The Road" (first edition, 1957), William S. BURROUGHS "(The) Naked Lunch" (first edition, 1959), Donald FAGEN "The Nighfly" album
GALLERY TWO - Richard LYTLE “The Possessed” 1959
GALLERY TWO left to right - Louise NEVELSON, Richard LYTLE
GALLERY TWO left to right - [fireplace mantel] John COLTRANE "Giant Steps" (first pressing, 1960), "Studies On The Left: A Journal of Research" (1959), Frederick Jackson TURNER "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" (first edition, 1893), Jackson POLLOCK, William Appleman WILLIAMS "The Tragedy of American Diplomacy" (first edition, 1959), C. Wright MILLS "The Power Elite" (first edition, 1956), [wall] Jasper JOHNS, [floor] Richard STANKIEWICZ, Louise NEVELSON
GALLERY TWO - installation view
GALLERY TWO left to right - [by door] Lenny BRUCE “Interviews of Our Times” (first pressing, 1958), Stanley KUBRICK "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" (1964), Herman KAHN "On Thermonuclear War" (first edition, 1960), [fireplace mantel] John COLTRANE "Giant Steps" (first pressing, 1960), "Studies On The Left: A Journal of Research" (1959), Frederick Jackson TURNER "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" (first edition, 1893), Jackson POLLOCK, William Appleman WILLIAMS "The Tragedy of American Diplomacy" (first edition, 1959), C. Wright MILLS "The Power Elite" (first edition, 1956)
GALLERY THREE left to right - [wall] Robert RAUSCHENBERG, Robert MALLARY, [floor] Robert FRANK/Alfred LESLIE/Jack KEROUAC "Pull My Daisy" (1959), Norman MAILER "Advertisements for Myself" (first edition, 1959)
GALLERY THREE left to right - [fireplace mantel] Miles DAVIS "Kind Of Blue" (first pressing, 1959), "Big Table: Issue One" (1959), Josef ALBERS, Robert FRANK, John Howard GRIFFIN "Black Like Me" (first edition, 1961), [in fireplace] Mort SAHL “At The Hungry i” (first pressing, 1960), [wall] Wally HEDRICK, Robert RAUSCHENBERG, [floor] Robert FRANK/Alfred LESLIE/Jack KEROUAC "Pull My Daisy" (1959), Norman MAILER "Advertisements for Myself" (first edition, 1959)
GALLERY THREE left to right - [wall] Robert FRANK, [fireplace mantel] Miles DAVIS "Kind Of Blue" (first pressing, 1959), "Big Table: Issue One" (1959), Josef ALBERS, Robert FRANK, John Howard GRIFFIN "Black Like Me" (first edition, 1961), [in fireplace] Mort SAHL “At The Hungry i” (first pressing, 1960), [wall] Wally HEDRICK
GALLERY THREE - installation view
GALLERY THREE left to right - [wall] Robert FRANK, [fireplace mantel] Miles DAVIS "Kind Of Blue" (first pressing, 1959), "Big Table: Issue One" (1959), Josef ALBERS, Robert FRANK, John Howard GRIFFIN "Black Like Me" (first edition, 1961), Certificate of Live Birth for Todd Levin (1961), Marv Johnson "Come to Me" (Tamla first pressing, 1959)
GALLERY FOUR left to right - Alfred LESLIE, Dave BRUBECK "Time Out" (first pressing, 1959), James JARVAISE, [on low table] Kurt SCHWITTERS, Philip ROTH "Goodbye Columbus" (first edition, 1959), George RUSSELL "Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization" (first edition, 1953)
GALLERY FOUR left to right - [on low table] Kurt SCHWITTERS, Philip ROTH "Goodbye Columbus" (first edition, 1959), George RUSSELL "Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization" (first edition, 1953), [wall] Alexander CALDER, [fireplace mantel] John COLTRANE "Giant Steps" (first pressing, 1960), Kurt SCHWITTERS, Fernand LÉGER, Julius SCHMIDT, Donald FAGEN "The Nighfly" album, [wall] Jay DEFEO
GALLERY FOUR left to right - [wall] Alexander CALDER, [fireplace mantel] John COLTRANE "Giant Steps" (first pressing, 1960), Kurt SCHWITTERS, Fernand LÉGER, Julius SCHMIDT, Donald FAGEN "The Nighfly" album
GALLERY FOUR - installation view
Curatorial statement:
In 1952 the International Council of Scientific Unions declared 1 July 1957 through 31 December 1958 as the "International Geophysical Year" (or I.G.Y.) because cycles of solar activity would reach a high point during that period. In 1954 this council called for artificial satellites to be launched during I.G.Y to map Earth and study the cosmos - and as a result, the Space Race was initiated.
In the visual arts, two competing exhibitions took place precisely a half century ago in NYC within two months of each other. The Guggenheim Museum opened its "Inaugural Selection" on 21 October 1959, and the Museum of Modern Art opened the "Sixteen Americans" exhibition on 16 December 1959. The former exhibition acted as the initial summation of a collecting vision rooted in established objective and abstract work of mostly well known artists, while the latter exhibition pointed the art world towards the work of newcomers (six of the sixteen artists in the exhibition not yet having had a one person exhibition), including artwork using objects and images drawn from the detritus of daily life.
"Tomorrow promised to be not just another day, but a new dawn. The era's rising young political star, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, would run for president on a slogan of 'Leadership for the '60's' - the first time that the future was defined in terms of a decade, which presumed to hold out both menace and hope but in either case great change. Kennedy presented his youth as a virtue - yet another reversal of the norm - describing himself as a man 'born in this century,' keen to explore 'the New Frontier.' These currents were quickened by a series of expansive government edicts. The new United States Civil Rights Commission ordered a series of investigations on racial discrimination in voting, housing, and education. The Supreme Court issued rulings that lifted restrictions on free speech and literature.
"This enchantment with the new also galvanized a generation of artists to crash through their own sets of barriers - and attracted a vast audience that was suddenly, even giddily, receptive to their iconoclasm. New comedians--'sick comics,' some called them--satirized the once-forbidden topics of race, religion, and politics. Brazen novelists loosened the language and blurred the boundaries between author and subject, reportage and literature. Rebellious filmmakers shot improvisational movies outside the confines of Hollywood studios. Jazz musicians improvised a new kind of music that broke through the structure of chords and pre-set rhythms. A new record label, Motown, laid down a jazz-inflected rhythm and blues that insinuated black culture into the mainstream, inspired baby-boomer rock 'n' roll, and supplied the soundtrack for the racial revolts and interminglings that lay ahead…
"Yet the thrill of the new was at once intensified and tempered by an undercurrent of dread...panic over fallout shelters, fears of a 'missile gap,' and an escalation of the Cold War... It was this twin precipice--the prospect of infinite possibilities and instant annihilation, both teetering on the edge of a new decade--that gave [the era] its distinctive swoon and ignited its creative energy."
- Todd Levin, May 2010
ⓒ Fred Kaplan, excerpted from “1959: The Year Everything Changed” (Wiley & Sons, 2009)
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